A teasing video…
...to start the new year. This is classic stage tango. Although three and a half million can't be wrong I suppose. Witness Magdalena Valdez and Facundo Gallo dancing what they…[...]
...to start the new year. This is classic stage tango. Although three and a half million can't be wrong I suppose. Witness Magdalena Valdez and Facundo Gallo dancing what they…[...]
[youtube=https://youtu.be/6h9XUYj96ho] For those of you who were interested this is The Curse by Anges Obel. I tried it out as the part of our Nuevo/Alternative tanda. The fact that everyone…[...]
[caption id="attachment_233" align="alignnone" width="960"] Taken by http://www.venividi.ie/[/caption] The first milonga after the summer break. It may seem like forever but we are always one step away from pure bliss. Starts…[...]
Please, just for me, forget the steps... Hold me, feel the music, and give me your soul. Then I can give you mine. - Sally Blake (Sallycat)[...]
[caption id="attachment_220" align="alignnone" width="660"] Do you like to dance?[/caption] There is a special offer for the month of September where you can pay for six classes for the price of…[...]
Sayaka Higuchi and Joscha Engel will be in Dublin from the 2nd to the 6th of September 2016. They are an amazing couple but places are fast filling up. Contact…[...]
Sebastian Arce & Mariana Montes on what constitutes the correct embrace. Why do you ask? Because there are many types of embrace. Milogeuro. Salon. Nuevo. You can check it out…[...]
The next beginner class starts on the 1st of June for six weeks. It is important to realise that the ending of the classes is Wednesday the 27th of July...…[...]
Sssh. Don't tell anyone this. This is a secret. Imagine telling a beginner man he has to learn to find the rhythm of the music, watch out for navigational hazards…[...]
Martin Maldonado & Maurizio Ghella give us a speculator performance during the 2014 festival. They might be coming back... [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akmJBK2CLM8][...]