Just watch it. Seriously!

[youtube=https://youtu.be/_6yDT92x660] The song is 'Paciencia' sung by Alberto Echague by the well known Orquesta Juan D'arienzo danced by Guillermo Torrens and Maria Maragaki. Just be amazed! Classes start in the…[...]

Any ideas?

[caption id="attachment_597" align="alignnone" width="1920"] https://pixabay.com/en/users/MonikaP-2515080/[/caption] If you have any suggestions below as to what to do for the coming year let us know! Hope you have a blast ending out…[...]

Christmas approaches!

[caption id="attachment_502" width="4909"] Origin: Toa Heftiba. Site: http://www.heftiba.co.uk/[/caption] Our last class is held on the 13th of December. Our last milonga is the Christmas dinner held on Sunday the 17th…[...]