Cork Tango Celebrates 20th Birthday – Special Guests David & Kim Benitez
A wonderful list of the classes and the milonga on the 20th anniversary of Cork Tango! David & Kim Benitez Date and time Sat, 1 Oct 2022, 11:00 – Sun,…[...]
A wonderful list of the classes and the milonga on the 20th anniversary of Cork Tango! David & Kim Benitez Date and time Sat, 1 Oct 2022, 11:00 – Sun,…[...]
Cork Tango & Waterford Tango are thrilled to present: “Vikings & Rebels: A south coast dance-athon! For one very special day, the Vikings and Rebels are joining forces on 18…[...]
Cork Tango is thrilled to have Hernan and Tara from Waterford teach a fabulous class: "Dancing in Small Spaces: Compact Moves for Tango and Milonga", on Friday 20 May 2022.…[...]
Cork Tango is thrilled to welcome back maestro Enrique Ringa to Cork Cricket Club, where he'll teach a workshop - Tango Nuevo: Simple and Complex Sequences - and he's our…[...]
BOOKINGS ARE NOW OPEN Salsa Cubana Cork are proud to present 1.30 hours of Tango traditional & nuevo class with Enrique Ringa. When Wednesday 23rd Feb. 7pm - 8:30pm Where…[...]
We are happy to announce that our good friend and master at professional Argentine Tango Enrique Lorenzo Ringa will be teaching classes once again on Wednesday 16th February 23rd February…[...]
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash We are planning on reopening soon mindful of the ever changing regulations with the pandemic. Can't wait to meet you and show what a…[...]
After careful monitoring of the Covid-19 situation this week, Cork Tango has decided to CANCEL our weekly and monthly activities until further notice. Please note: 1. Milonga Evora on Sundays…[...]
Dancing with the feet is one thing but dancing with the heart is another. - Anon[...]
The song is 'Uno' The composer is Alibo Troilo. Sigrid Van Tilbeurgh and Murat Erdemsel improvised a dance. And it is beautiful [youtube=] Witness magic in motion as we welcome…[...]