Any way counts!

[caption id="attachment_1514" width="1920"] He is on his way to tango![/caption] Milonga starts at 2000 this Sunday on James Street 1767 opposite the Courthouse. Hope to see you there![...]

Christmas approaches!

[caption id="attachment_502" width="4909"] Origin: Toa Heftiba. Site:[/caption] Our last class is held on the 13th of December. Our last milonga is the Christmas dinner held on Sunday the 17th…[...]

Perfect Tango Leg?

[caption id="attachment_1504" width="1920"] That is perfect![/caption] It doesn't matter who you are once you can dance tango! Our classes will start in James Street 1767 on Washington Street at 2000.…[...]

So tired..

If you feel up to it... [caption id="attachment_1478" width="1920"] All frogged out[/caption] ...after a great time last night there is a milonga this Sunday at 2000 in the James Street…[...]