Classic Tango

The crowd may be small and the venue may be intimate but the dancers are exquisite looking. See how they roll despite doing intricate movements. [youtube=] Food for thought no? Classes start at 1930 hours this Wednesday in the Metropole Hotel. Everyone has to start somewhere! (HT: Too many to mention!)


you click play on a video and witness perfection. [youtube=] Chicho Frumboli and Juana Sepulveda dance ‘Milonguea Del Ayer’ by Craig Einhorn. I should play that song again next time I DJ. Tango starts at 1930 in the Metropole Hotel. Sometimes you need imperfection. (HT: Emma Healy)

Hang on

This is the final classes of 2016. Don’t cry. There, there. There, there. Just let it out and remember to breathe. Ok, maybe cry a little bit but watch this video instead! [youtube=] It was fun watching Yamila Ivonne and Rodrigo Fort dance a tango and a milonga, no? The final set of classes takes […]

Why do you dance?

This a wonderful video exploring why do you dance in all its forms. When you watch it you are filled with hope, joy and wonder at the breadth and magnificence of all the different ways people can dance. [youtube=] Remember we teach Argentine Tango at 1930 on Wednesdays in the Metropole Hotel. I love to […]

La Bruja

Check out this song. It Juan D’Arienzo featuring Alberto Echague and it is called La Bruja. There a simply wonder ful dance by Fernando Galera & Corina Herrera that simply gives it a whole new lease of life. [youtube=] Tango classes start at Wednesday at 1930 hours in the Metropole Hotel. Remember for the last […]