Follower Versus Leader

Food for thought from Kim Benitez. In my first few years of studying tango, I often felt that the role of the follower was overlooked in many of the group classes I took. The emphasis of the class was very much what the leader should do, with perhaps the occasional nod towards the follower.   […]

Tango Moment #17

Dancing appears glamorous, easy, delightful. But the path to the paradise of that achievement is not easier than any other. There is fatigue so great that the body cries even in its sleep. There are times of complete frustration. There are daily small deaths.” – Martha Graham

All the mistakes

Everyone makes a mistake once in a while. Here are 8 of them dealt with by Tango Space. I particularly like: Leaders do this by making eye contact with the leader of the couple arriving towards us. Once their eye have met yours (mirada), you can do a head-sign (cabeceo) towards the dance floor, so […]

Tango Moment #13

The secret of tango is in this moment of improvisation that happens between step and step. It is to make the impossible thing possible: to dance silence. This is essential to learn in tango dance, the real dance, that of the silence, of following the melody. – Carlos Gavito